Merason Frerot Expand

Merason Frerot



Ny nononsens dac, byggd i Schweiz.

Denna omvandlar inte till DSD eller kodar av MQA eller tar blåtand eller ger dig en palett möjligheter.

Denna gör en sak: omvandlar ettor och nollar till en analog signal, och den gör det BRA!


Höj ljudet ytterligare med Merason POW1 extern nätdel.

Mer detaljer

17 900 kr


Frérot. Small in appearance, great sound.

The frérot creates the big audiophile experience for the small budget! Equipped with the same technology as its big brother, the DAC1, it brings everything you need to bring the music stage into your living room – or your second home – or your houseboat – or to your workplace.

"At this point I was ready to say that the Merason Frerot was easily the best DAC experience I’ve had at home. Solid digital sound, plenty of color and texture to the music, some extraordinary imaging and soundstaging fireworks as I mentioned, and an ease of use that simply hasn’t been matched".

"The Merason Frerot DAC and its LPSU mark an even more important step toward my unfettered comfort in the face of awesome technology. I am not afraid. Reviewer’s Choice Award, please. Put it right here".

- Parttimeaudiophile.

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